Cize · Energy · Exercize · running

A before, after and now. Beachbody and changing my life.

PicMonkey CollageSpent some time reminiscing yesterday. Thinking about the busy summer of 2012. The summer I spent doing beachbody workouts, running, biking with my husband. I had energy for days it seems. Well how could I not. I had shed alot of weight and was eating well and moving constantly! I had so much energy and loved trying new things.  Beachbody offers so many different workouts it was nice to have a variety. I got even smaller than that picture on the left after two weeks doing Insanity, I went from a size 14 to a 10. Now that is insane!!

I look forward to weathering  those storms I talked about yesterday  with exercise. Exercise is such a stress reducer. By exercising and eating clean I will be taking control of my life again. God has given me one body, I need to care for that body as a gift.




While I am sad to see the after picture knowing I am far from that I am excited to reach for those goals again. Three weeks ago I had started running again, then about two weeks ago I ordered Cize. I loved doing Cize. Lots of dancing and lots of sweat.  But I had been nursing plantar fascitis for a good ten weeks or so and found that I wasn’t quite ready yet. Went to the doctor on Monday and confirmed I am not ready yet.


My daughter, Ashlee and I decided to take control of our lives. She is such a huge inspiration to me. She has such a positive attitude and is ready to change her life. I can’t wait til this mother/ daughter rock this world with Beachbody.  Oh wait, we don’t have to wait. We can rock this world now!




But I am here to tell you as soon as the doctor gives me to go ahead I am going for it. I am going for more energy, lots of workouts, clean eating and a happier self.  I am taking this week completely off in hopes of my heals healing and check with the doctor on Monday to see if I am able to go to the pool and do water exercise. I was very excited when the Doctor mentioned running on a treadmill under water!! A lot less impact on my poor feet/heels and I could burn major calories.  Oh I can’t wait to try it! underwater running                                                                        Picture taken from